Since then, over the past 42 years, valuable literature on Gerovital-H3 has accumulated consisting of the confirmation of Aslan’s geriatric-method, and Gerovital-H3's regenerating and prophylactic actions.
Studies conducted by the National Institute in Bucharest and those carried on by other authors have pointed out the general action excerpted by Gerovital-H3 on the aging process, and its action on chronic diseases, the frequency of which increases with advancing age (3,4).
Clinically, Gerovital treated patients show more desire to live, diminished depression and anxiety, increased physical and intellectual capacities, diminished extrapyramidal rigidity, better skin, hair and nail trophicity, less senile spots and keratosis, growth and regimentation of the hair color, increased muscular strength and joint mobility and faster knitting of accidental fractures.
by Mircea Dumitru M.D., Ph.D