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Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Gerovital - GH3 by Dr Ron Kennedy M.D.
Interest for research in the field of aging is, to put it mildly, hot. A transformation in the paradigm which governs thinking about aging is taking place in the minds of scientist in the field of gerontology at this moment. Until recently, in the minds of scientists (and even now in the minds of the lay public), aging has been seen as an absolutely unavoidable phenomenon, programmed into the genes. Now, aging is coming to be seen, at least in part, as a result of a kind of wearing down process which may be possible to prevent.
People who take Gerovital GH3, however, including Dr. Aslan, do so because of the strong possibility that Gerovital slows down the aging process and because of the strong quality it has to return a person to the experience of being young and vigorous. This latter quality is particularly strong in people over 45 years old. How, then, does Gerovital work?
There is an enzyme, present in cells throughout the body, called "monoamine oxidase" (abbreviated "MAO"). The major function of this enzyme is to destroy norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is an important transmitter of impulses between nerves. It is important that norepinephrine be held within a narrow range of concentration in the body, otherwise convulsions and death would be the result. Therefore, MAO is an important, even vital, part of body chemistry. It helps hold norepinephrin within that narrow range by destroying excess.
New Interest In The Antiaging Drug Gerovital H3
Over 30 years ago, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the antiaging drug Gerovital H3, siting the drug did not live up to its promise. suddenly it appears a new generation of people are showing interest in the drug, so what's special about Gerovital H3?
The Gerovital H3 was initiated in 1905 when Dr. Alfred Einhorn, a biochemist, combined two substances that occur naturally in the body: diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), in a liquid. The drug, procaine hydrochloride, was solely used as a pain killer till the 1940s. This is where Dr. Ana Aslan of the National Geriatric Institute in Bucharest started giving the drug to some elderly patients with arthritis.
That’s when she discovered that the combination not only improved arthritis symptoms but enhanced other physical as well as mental abilities as well. However, the benefits were short-lived, so she added potassium metabisulphite and disodium phosphate, which extended the drug’s benefits for 6 to 9 hours. Gerovital H3 was born.
Aslan tested the drug in a large double-blind, placebo-controlled study with 15,000 workers throughout Romania. Researchers reported that those taking Gerovital H3 showed increased sex drive, disappearance of peptic ulcers, improvements in arthritis symptoms, better blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and other benefits.
There are of course many sceptics and it is not surprising as the drug is not yet approved by the FDA. But you got to ask your self how many other drugs in the market have many side effects and sometimes do not work for every one. So GH3 may well work for many people, as long as you take precautions and seek the advise of your medical practitioner.